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Open Access publishing and guidance


Welcome to AAU OPEN: AAU OPEN Competence Unit guides AAU's researchers within Open Access, Open Science, and open publishing opportunities. At the same time, AAU Open Publishing is an alternative publishing platform for open publications from Aalborg University, i.e. PhD theses, books, journals, and reports.

Ask us about Open AccessPublish with AAU Open PublishingAbout AAU OPEN

Open Access publishing and guidance


Welcome to AAU OPEN: AAU OPEN Competence Unit guides AAU's researchers within Open Access, Open Science, and open publishing opportunities. At the same time, AAU Open Publishing is an alternative publishing platform for open publications from Aalborg University, i.e. PhD theses, books, journals, and reports.

Ask us about Open AccessPublish with AAU Open PublishingAbout AAU OPEN

With AAU OPEN, Aalborg University wants to make it easier for researchers to make their research openly available, regardless of publication channel.

Use AAU OPEN’s Competence Unit to get an overview of your options for publishing Open Access or publish your work directly via AAU Open Publishing.

AAU OPEN consists of four employees who, through the competence unit and the publication platform, guide you as a researcher to the best possible publication choices.

Questions? Contact aauopen@aau.dk 


Browse the pictures from the 5th of December where we celebrated the launch of AAU OPEN with bobles and presentations. These brought perspectives on Open Access from researchers, management, as well as an (inter)national level.

Link to article in AAU Update


Browse the pictures from the 5th of December where we celebrated the launch of AAU OPEN with bobles and presentations. These brought perspectives on Open Access from researchers, management, as well as an (inter)national level.

Link to article in AAU Update

News from AAU OPEN

Meet the authors

Education and Information in the Danish Refugee Camps after the Second World War (in Danish)

Link to book and video

Publications from AAU Open Publishing


Contact AAU OPEN

Would you like to know more about your Open Access publishing options at AAU?

Send us an email: aauopen@aau.dk