Interdisciplinary research projectsSee a selection of the Interdisciplinary research projects at AAU.Interdisciplinary research projectsSee a selection of the Interdisciplinary research projects at AAU.Body powered pacemakerResearchers at AAU Energy and cardiologists from Aalborg University Hospital have developed a microgenerator that converts the body's energy into electricity. The technology has been successfully tested and shows that the next generation of pacemakers may never need a battery change.Read about the projectCircular plasticImproved waste management and further re- and upcycling of plastics are needed to limit plastic pollution and to keep it in the value chain. Researchers at Aalborg University are teaming up with national and international companies to contribute to this development.Læs mere om Circular plasticAAU Quantum HubThe AAU Quantum Hub is your entrance to quantum research at Aalborg University. The Hub covers research and teaching in e.g. quantum computing, quantum communication, and post-quantum cryptology.Read about AAU Quantum Hub