Ny Kastetvej 16H
Ny Kastetvej 16, 9000 Aalborg
Distance to Aalborg University, Campus east approx. km.: 6 Distance to the centre of Aalborg approx. km.: 1
There is access to the internet provided by Norlys. The internet is included in the rent.
There are laundry facilities on site. You must download an app and use a credit card to pay, there are instructions on the site. The laundry is managed by owner A. Engaard. For problems with the laundry, you must contact the caretaker Peter Haldrup at peter.h@enggaard.dk or by phone at 20248343.
Ny Kastetvej 16H
All 27 apartments at Ny Kastetvej are operated by the IAO. The inhabitants in the building are either international staff or students. The apartments for students are youth studio apartments (1-room), with a private kitchen and bathroom.
This apartment building is located in the western part of Aalborg, with an easy access to the fjord, marina, grocery shopping, fitness studios and Aalborg Stadium.
Ny Kastetvej 16H
Ny Kastetvej 16, 9000 Aalborg
Distance to Aalborg University, Campus east approx. km.: 6 Distance to the centre of Aalborg approx. km.: 1
There is access to the internet provided by Norlys. The internet is included in the rent.
There are laundry facilities on site. You must download an app and use a credit card to pay, there are instructions on the site. The laundry is managed by owner A. Engaard. For problems with the laundry, you must contact the caretaker Peter Haldrup at peter.h@enggaard.dk or by phone at 20248343.