Study method at AAU - Problem based learning

Study method at AAU - Problem based learning

Work closely totegther with your fellow students
Studying at AAU is not about rote learning. Each semester, you will work closely together with a group of fellow students on a large written assignment. You will also follow more traditional instruction, but the group work at AAU ensures that you build a network from the very start of your studies, and that you will not constantly be sitting on your own buried in your books.
The group work adds an academic and social dimension to your study programme and, at the same time, it equips you for the labour market where skills in cooperation are very sought after.
Problem based project work at AAU
As a student at Aalborg University (AAU) you will work closely together with your fellow students by way of problem based project work. Together you will examine real-life problems.
Group work at AAU
At Aalborg University, students usually do their problem based project work in groups. Typically, you will be part of a group consisting of 4-5 students. Each semester, the group completes a large assignment called a project. You form the groups yourselves depending on your academic interests.
Teaching methods at Aalborg University
At Aalborg University, a large part of your knowledge is acquired through project work with your group, but also through more traditional teaching methods. The relationship between teachers and students is dialogue-based and very informal, so do ask if in doubt about anything.