Professional master
Cyber Security and Privacy

- Competences in cyber and privacy problems, challenges, and possibilities
- Skills and knowledge through theoretical and practical information
- Learn about the latest knowledge and research within the field
2-year part-time programme
Professional master
Cyber Security and Privacy

- Competences in cyber and privacy problems, challenges, and possibilities
- Skills and knowledge through theoretical and practical information
- Learn about the latest knowledge and research within the field
2-year part-time programme
- Full programme, EU/EEA citizens: Will be announced Spring 2025
- Full programme, non-EU/EEA citizens: Will be announced Spring 2025
- Single course, EU/EEA citizens: Will be announced Spring 2025
- Single course, non-EU/EEA citizens: Will be announced Spring 2025
Starts February 2026.
- November 1, 2025
At the Master of Cyber Security and Privacy you will work with new problems and challenges within cyber security and privacy as well as learn about the latest knowledge and research within the field. The purpose of the programme is supplementing your knowledge and skills within cyber security and privacy and it provides you with state-of-the art competences and knowledge.
During the Master's programme you will meet experts within cyber security and privacy from Aalborg University (AAU) as well as selected, invited guests from the industry. With this set-up, the programme provides a sound foundation for developing skills and knowledge through a combination of theoretical and practical information sharing, as well as for supplementing your professional network.
Cyber security and privacy research is highly prioritised by Aalborg University in Copenhagen. The Master of Cyber Security and Privacy is based on our successful fultime Master of Science education in Cyber Security and is developed offered by the Cyber Security-research group and other researchers at the Communiation, Media and Information Technologies' (CMI) section at the Department of Electronic Systems.
A Flexible Programme Suited to Fit Your Schedule
The Master of Cyber Security and Privacy can be followed as a part-time programme. It is also possible to follow single courses from the programme without signing up for the full Master's programme.
Best Engineering Programmes
In the recent years, Aalborg University has constantly been among the top 10 in the world in engineering education according to the most respected rankings in the world.

Target Group and Outcome
Academic Content of the Programme
The Master of Cyber Security and Privacy is a continuing education programme at Aalborg University in Copenhagen focusing on cyber security and privacy. The programme gives you knowledge and skills in technological as well as organisational aspects of cyber security and privacy. The programme offers insights in the following topics amongst others:
- Network and application security
- Cyber security threats such as destructive malware, fake antiviruses, and Denial of Service attacks in organisations
- Enterprise technologies
- Enterprise security and compliance
- Risk assessment
- Privacy analysis and Usable Privacy
- Personal data and privacy (technology, design, legal constraints and rules)
- IT security regulation and governance
- Trust, identity and access management
- Economics of privacy
- EU and national IT security and data protection laws.
In the final project, you can e.g. choose to focus on either of these topics in relation to the company or organisation you work in or you can work on a different topic as a spin-off of the learning.
Structure of the Programme
The programme is structured into three trimesters. Each trimester consists of a number of modules and is organised as a problem-based study. A module is a programme element or a group of programme elements which aims to give you a set of professional skills within a fixed time frame specified in ECTS credits, and concluding with one or more examinations within specific exam periods. Examinations are defined in the curriculum.
The programme is based on a combination of academic, problem-oriented and interdisciplinary approaches and is organised based on the following work and evaluation methods that combine skills and reflection:
- lectures
- classroom instruction
- online teaching
- project work
- workshops
- exercises (individually and in groups)
- independent study
- teacher feedback
- reflection
The Trimesters
The Teaching
Wish to Follow Single Courses Instead of Full Programme?
Admission Requirements and Application
Seminar Dates, Location and Other Expenses