Study at Aalborg University in Esbjerg

Study a bachelor's or master's degree at AAU in Esbjerg
At Aalborg University (AAU) in Esbjerg you can study for a full bachelor's degree and a master's degree within the fields of natural sciences, and technical sciences.
View a list of our international bachelor's and master's programmes below. These programmes are all taught in English.
International students
At Aalborg University Esbjerg we welcome international students from all over the world!
Approximately 25% of our students are international both from within and outside the EU. Equally we employ several international academic staff, thus an international atmosphere at campus.
- For information on how to apply please see: - For more in depth information for international students check out:
- If you have any questions please dont hesitate to contact us at

Boost your career readiness with E.1 First Job
Through personalized career consultations, networking events and engaging workshops in the E.1 First Job program, you will learn effective strategies to help land your first job.

Study guidance
Do you have any questions? Book a meeting with the Student Guidance at Aalborg University Esbjerg. We are ready to help you!