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AAU Jobbank

AAU Jobbank is your shortcut to collaboration and recruitment among Aalborg University's many talented students and graduates. It is our recommended job portal for students at AAU and thus also the recommended portal for our business partners. The portal is operated in collaboration with JobTeaser.

Create jobad
More than 7.000+ students and over 700+ companies are already using AAU Jobbank.

AAU Jobbank offers

  1. 1

    Create job advertisements

    Create all types of job ads, including student jobs, full-time, part-time, project positions, graduate programs, volunteer jobs, etc.

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    Create project proposals

    AAU's students work with problem-based learning (PBL). This means that many collaborate with external partners as part of their semester projects, bachelor's and master's theses.

    Read more about project collaboration with AAU's students.

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    Create internship advertisements

    AAU's students often undertake internships as part of their education. Typically during the 3rd semester of their master's program in the fall.

    Read more about having AAU students in an internship.

  4. 4

    Create a company profile

    With a profile on AAU Jobbank, you give AAU's students the opportunity to follow your company.

Every month, 1,000-4,000 students visit the AAU Jobbank. 2/3 are looking for student jobs, 1/4 are searching for internships, 1/3 are interested in job opportunities, and 1/5 are looking for relevant project collaborations.

Getting started

FAQ - AAU Jobbank

Tel. +45 9940 8090

Want help to get started cooperating with AAU students in Aalborg, Esbjerg and/or Copenhagen? Call us or fill in the form by clicking below.
