

Department of Architecture, Design, and Media Technology
Danish name: Institut for Arkitektur og Medieteknologi
Faculty: Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Head of Department: Lone Malmborg
Head of Studies: Markus Löchtefeld
Department of the Built Environment
Danish name: Institut for Byggeri, By og Miljø
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Science
Head of Department: Kasper Lynge Jensen
Head of Studies: Lene Faber Ussing
Department of Chemistry and Bioscience
Danish name: Institut for Kemi og Biovidenskab
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Science
Acting Head of Department: Kim Lambertsen Larsen
Head of Studies: Niels T. Eriksen
Department of Clinical Medicine
Danish name: Klinisk Institut
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine
Head of Department: Sten Rasmussen
Head of Studies: Jette Kolding Kristensen
Department of Communication and Psychology
Danish name: Institut for Kommunikation og Psykologi
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Head of Department: Mikael Vetner
Head of Studies: Tom Nyvang
Department of Computer Science
Danish name: Institut for Datalogi
Faculty: Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Head of Department: Peter Axel Nielsen
Head of Studies: Ulrik Nyman
Department of Culture and Learning
Danish name: Institut for Kultur og Læring
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Head of Department: Keld Thorgård
Head of Studies: Morten Ziethen
Department of Electronic Systems
Danish name: Institut for Elektroniske Systemer
Faculty: Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Head of Department: Mads Græsbøll Christensen
Head of Studies: Ove Andersen
Department of Energy
Danish name: Institut for Energi
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Science
Acting Head of Department: Birgitte Bak-Jensen
Head of Studies: Mads Pagh Nielsen
Department of Health Science and Technology
Danish name: Institut for Medicin og Sundhedsteknologi
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine
Head of Department: Kim Dremstrup
Head of Studies: Louise Pape-Haugaard for Study Board of Health and Technology and Study Board of Sports Science and Public Health.
Head of Studies: Jette Kolding Kristensen for Study Board of Medicine.
Department of Law
Danish name: Juridisk Institut
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Head of Department: Trine Schultz
Acting Head of Studies: Sten Bønsing
Department of Materials and Production
Danish name: Institut for Materialer og Produktion
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Science
Head of Department: Jens Chr. Rauhe
Head of Studies: Thomas Ditlev Brunø
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Danish name: Institut for Matematiske Fag
Faculty: Faculty of Engineering and Science
Head of Department: Morten Willatzen
Head of Studies: Morten Grud Rasmussen
Department of Sustainability and Planning
Danish name: Institut for Planlægning
Faculty: Technical Faculty of IT and Design
Head of Department: Anne Merrild Hansen
Head of Studies: Pernille Scholdan Bertelsen
Department of Politics and Society
Danish name: Institut for Politik og Samfund
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Constituted Head of Department: Ane Bislev
Head of Studies: Stine Rasmussen
Department of Sociology and Social Work
Danish name: Institut for Sociologi og Socialt Arbejde
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Head of Department: Jakob Skjøtt-Larsen
Head of Studies: Mia Arp Fallov
AAU Business School
Danish name: AAU Business School
Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Head of Business School: Mette Vinther Larsen
Heads of Studies: Kristian Nielsen
Institute for Advanced Study in PBL
Danish name: Institute for Advanced Study in PBL
Faculty: Cross-faculty
Head of Department: Thomas Ryberg
Further information
If you have general questions about Aalborg University's organisation, please contact:
Rector's Office